It promotes the spawn of fish and shrimp, and it also chelates trace elements so that the aquatic plant absorbs them.
Its safe ingredient slightly lowers the PH of the tank.
Therefore, it is suitable for South American fish species and
aquatic plant tanks that like weak acidic water quality.
This product contains humic acid and fulvic acid, which are abundant in black water, and trace elements that are beneficial to tropical fish and aquatic plants.
40 liters (approximately 10 gallons) tank with 10ml (1cap = 5 ml (300 ml product) or 10 ml (1 liter product))
Increase the usage to lower the pH
※ If you use this product, lower the PH a little.
※ The pH drop depends on the water quality of the tank. Therefore, measure the pH level at the same time.
※ Shake it before using it.
※ The color of the water in the tank changes like black water, but it gradually becomes lighter over time.
※ It may a slightly smell and natural ingredients are observed, but it is normal.
※ Use it only for aquariums and stay away from children and pets.