What is Neo CO2 ?

Here is the solution to the problem confronted between dangerous high pressure co2 and inconvenient low pressure co2.

High pressure co2 is dangerous and expensive.
Low pressure co2 does not work well to grow aquatic plants.

CO2 is an essential item to grow beautiful aquatic plants.

Don’t worry anymore!
Neo CO2 is the alternative from now on.

Neo CO2 is a combinational item designed to supply natural co2 from stablized metabolism of a bacteria called Saccharomyces Cerevisae into aquarium.

How Neo CO2 works?

Neo CO2 helps grow aquatic plants by continuously supplying co2 which is essential for growth at the lowest cost.

The origin of Neo CO2

C6H12O6 => 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2ATP

Neo CO2 supplies Co2 stably Co2 stably for about 50 days.

Neo CO2 offers the best environment to grow aquatic plants.

PH change(After 48hours) 6.0 ⇒ 5.7
Co2 change(After 48hours) 7.0 ⇒ 28.0

Features of Neo CO2

1. Top-fermenting

Neo CO2 is fermented only on the side jelly and water contact, which makes proper amount of co2 production last longer as the micro-organism eats the nutrition jelly from the upside to the downside.

2. Stabilization technology for bacteria and special culture material

Thanks to AQUARIO Co.’s high technology、 Neo CO2 developed/introduced stabilize bacteria technology、keeps Co2 production about 50 days.

3. Reusable

Neo CO2 reproduces CO2, if only the jelly is still left with a simple process.

4. Perfect components

Neo CO2 contains all parts necessary for co2 generation and use such as hose and diffuser

5. World's best diffuser

The Neo CO2 Set includes original Neo Diffuser, the world's highest quality.

How to use

  1. Put about 300ml of warm water (about 50℃) into the bottle.
  2. After closing the cap, shake about 100 times until the content is thoroughly mixed.
  3. 24 hours later, it turns into Jelly
  4. Put in 1 pack of Biorefill.
  5. Put 200ml of warm water (about 30℃)
  6. Wait until CO2 is produced.
  7. When co2 stops, only the water needs to be changed except the jelly.
  8. Process #4, #5, #6 comes along later on

Re-setting Time of neo co2 ?

Figure can be changed depending on temperature, Etc

Period time for use and Recommended aquarium :

Summer about 40days, Winter about 60days, Up to 60cm of aquarium

Precaution :

  1. Never disconnect the hose or open the cap before CO2 is generated. This significantly delays or disables co2 generation.
  2. Never shake after the content has turned into jelly.
  3. Never use any valves to control the amount and time of Co2 generation.
  4. The quantity of Co2 decreases slowly as time passes
  5. The result of normal fermentation, Liquid on top of jelly smells of soiled wine.
  6. Below 15℃, Co2 cannot be produced
  7. When the hose or diffuser stuck with the contents by the user's carelessness, please stop using and carefully open the cap in somewhere like bathroom. And connect the syringe to the hose and remove the contents. After that, immerse it in the bleach diluent.
  8. Keep out of reach of children and pet.

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